Gathered and Processed Oak Nuts, Bay Nut Clusters, Douglas Fir Iced Tea, Manzanita Cider

Second Week of 2012

Sun. Jan. 8 – Yerba Santa/Grindelia/Ceanothus Tea (sister, daughter, son-in-law for congestion)

Mon. Jan. 9 – Yerba Santa Tea

Tue. Jan. 10 – Wild Granola with Manzanita sugar, Bay nut clusters

Wed. Jan. 11 – Process Black Oak oak nuts from 2 years ago (used boiling method and added Bay leaves for flavor); Gather Canyon Live Oak nuts (no Black Oak acorns this year); Gather Douglas Fir from fallen branches and make Vitamin C-rich Douglas Fir Iced Tea

Thu. Jan. 12 – Oak Nut Marzipan

Fri. Jan. 13 – Oak Nut Marzipan

Sat. Jan. 14 – Make Manzanita Cider using a new method:

Manzanita Recipes: Antioxidant Sugar and Cider

2 cups berries = ¾ cup sugar

Make sugar by grinding berries on medium low in food processor or blender for two minutes. Use a wooden spoon to press crushed berries through mesh strainer and into a bowl. To make the cider, simmer the leftover seeds and skins in 12 cups water. Simmer for 20 minutes and then strain. Keep refrigerated and drink cold or hot.

Note: Manzanita berries are 3 times higher in antioxidants than blueberries.